#work #ryzen #xmg apex 15 #level51 forge 15r #clevo nh57af1Links to Benchmark Results For the Clevo NH57AF1 / XMG Apex 15 / Forge 15 RyzenI’ll get a more comprehensive article up shortly, but I’ve been benchmarking the NH57AF1 in Windows and it’s turning out pretty good! ...
#work #ryzen #xmg apex 15 #level51 forge 15r #clevo nh57af1Installing Ubuntu 20.04 Focal On the Clevo NH57AF1 aka XMG Apex 15 Ryzen / Forge 15rTLDR; Ubuntu runs great on the 3900X + nVidia GTX 2070 combo, but you need to make a few tweaks to the installation process as well as do some quality of life fixes post-installation. ...